Thursday, November 22, 2018

Week 8 Progress

Make Things Happen, Pixaby
From looking back on this semester so far, I think I have made a huge amount of progress, at the start of the year I missed a good few blogs, including the 'Schedule planning' one, so thats a blog that I can't look back on and reflect how well I have stuck to a schedule. However as the weeks have gone on I have gotten into more of a flow to get the blogs completed and it is a process that I have gotten used to. I don't feel I have gotten into a weekly routine with regards to the blogs however and I do still struggle trying to find time to do certain blogs during the week while trying to balance assignments for other modules and also holing down a job. However I am determined to keep up my grade and complete all of the blogs in our final few weeks! I also haven't been taking full advantage of the extra credit tasks, and I am going to start doing a couple of them each week so I can get a better grade at the end of this semester.

Looking forward I just think that my main focus should be on time management and setting aside a certain time to complete these blogs as I feel that was my main pitfall this semester. I think next semester might be a bit easier for me, as I kind of know what to expect and have learned how this modules runs, as it is ran differently then any other module I have done before. I just want to get the work done from the start next semester. Another thing that I think would be useful is to attend the labs now and again, because this semester if I was struggling I didn't take advantage that help was there, and we should use this help to our advantage.

Overall, I feel I have come along way from the start of the semester and I am happy with my progress, I look forward to seeing the end result for my game! And I am also excited for a break from the blogs over the Christmas break..

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