Once I finally got access to Unity, I started off by creating my terrain. This week I wanted to just focus on the aesthetics on my game. My game is based in a forest as this is a monkeys natural habitat so I wanted to create a terrain that represented this. I started off by going back to the basic skills that we learnt in the first few unity tutorials, I used textures to created grass and I placed trees and pathways over my terrain to make it look like a a forest.
I then went to the Unity Assets store, and I found a fruits pack of 3D models, in which they have a banana and I think it suits my game perfectly, so I added the bananas into my game, and made the player be able to collect it when you walk through it, just like we did with a gem in a pervious Unity tutorial, I haven't done it yet as I couldn't find the appropriate noise for my game, but I will be adding a noise to the game when a banana has been collected.
3D Fruit Pack - Screenshot |
Screenshot of my Unity |
Hi Eva, i really like this blog post. I understand the frustration of unity as mine wont let me play sound properly no matter how many time i try fix it or uninstall unity. I really like how your terrain is coming along, it looks great and quite realistic! I hope you find the right noise to suit your game! Cant wait to see how it is once fully developed.