Thursday, September 27, 2018

Introduction to the life of Eva

My name is Eva Garrett. I am 20 years old and I live out in the countryside in Meath. I live with my Mam, Dad and younger sister Rachel. I also have a dog named Bonnie who's 7 years old.
(Home image of my doggie) I am currently studding Creative Digital Media in ITB, which is soon to be TUD. Before I done this course, I done a PLC in Social Studies, that was a year that made me see that I really don't want to be a social worker or do anything in that field in fact! So, I decided that a more practical course would be more suited for me and here I am in CDM. What I love most about this course is that we don't constantly have our heads in a book and we aren't been driven into the ground with 3000-word count essay one after another. Within this course we are able to put theory to practice and to learn by failing, maybe more times than we would wish. One of my favourite modules I have done so far is Web Development and Web Design, one that many others in the course seem to despise. I just really enjoy the fact that we can start from a blank page and end up with a full website, out of something that used to look like the Chinese language to me! Throughout this year I want to push myself a lot more than I did last year, and actually challenge myself to try new things. Outside college I usually just spend a lot of time with my friends, as much as I love my family I'm rarely at home. I don't have much hobbies, mainly just cause I'm Lazy as I used to play sports when I was younger. Over the summer I got to spend three months in America which were definitely the best three months of my life so far. I was on a J1 visa, so I fly over to Chicago where I lived with 9 of my friends in a house in Lincoln Park. We stayed in Chicago for just over two months. Settling into the American way of life was very easy, especially getting to share their love for food! I worked in one of Chicago's most famous restaurants for its Chicago style deep dish pizza, which I started to hate very quickly, I ate way top much pizza my first week there. After our two months was up in Chicago I was devastated to leave but also very excited as we headed to the West Coast, which was on another level. We rented out a seven-seater 'Mammy wagon' as we called it, and we spend three weeks driving around different parts of California and also a couple of places in Nevada. It was an experience of a life time and I would recommend everyone to do it! Looking forward to more travels next year..
(My Photo of the Chicago river) Other than that, I also just spend a lot of my time watching different series on Netflix as everyone does. I thinks that's all that there is to know about me for now and I am excited for another year in CDM.

Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Workshop 01 - Figuring out traffic lights

For this weeks workshop we were given the task of explaining how traffic lights work. As I have been driving for nearly two years I thought this would be a simple task, but I was wrong. I quickly figured out that understanding something in theory and being able to explain something in plain English was much more difficult for me.
( As I began to try and explain the theory to the person next to me I quickly understood that there's a lot more thought behind the traffic light system then I initially thought, it is not just as simple and green means go and red means stop. From this what seemed to be very simple task, made me understand that what seem to simple theories and everyday tasks can in fact be quite difficult to put into words and explain to another person. It has made me realise that maybe my skills aren't quite up to scratch. So, I feel that this weekly blog may really work to my advantage as it is making me read and write more then I usually would throughout my Creative Digital Media course as is it mainly practical. So, my hopes are that by the end of this module I will have improved my skills. After completing this task, I think I will be analysing the sequence of traffic lights when I'm sitting in floods of traffic waiting for the lights to change!! I am glad that I was given this task, I feel like I would have never considered writing a blog as I just felt it wasn't for me, but now I really think it could work to my advantage and I will expand on important skills form this. I look forward to more tasks and workshops I am given and keeping up with my weekly vlog!

Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Eva's Favourite Game

Crash Bandicoot The game I have chosen to talk about in this blog is Crash Bandicoot. I have chosen this game is because it was my favourite game when I was younger. Crash Bandicoot was created by Andy Gavin. This game was released for the Playstaion in 1996. Crash Bandicoot is a 'wombat' like character as he was inspired by sonic the hedgehog and is based in a tropical forest, the aim is for the character to collect as many apples/crystals as possible and to make it through each round, with many opsticals in the way. This is a game that I find very entertaining and addictive and it is great for all ages.
